
日時	  2002年 10月15日(火)    15時〜16時40分
場所	  経済学部新棟3階第3教室
講演者    丹後俊郎(国立保健医療科学院・技術評価部)  
演題      Reproductive Outcomes Associated with Proximity to 
          Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators in Japan    

(NIPH Study)の紹介を行う。GISを利用したデータの表示、必要な統計手法を

Great public concern about health effects of dioxins emitted from
municipal solid waste incinerators has increased, but it remains unclear
whether individuals living near these waste incinerators are exposed to
dioxins at doses sufficient to produce adverse reproductive health
effects. In this study, adverse reproductive outcomes associated with
maternal residential proximity to 63 municipal solid waste incinerators
with high dioxin emission levels (above 80ng international toxic
equivalents TEQ/m3) in Japan from 1997-1998 were examined. Numbers of
observed cases were compared with expected numbers calculated from
national rates adjusted regionally. Observed/expected ratios were tested
for decline (or peak-decline) in risk with distance up to 10km.
