日時 2008年 6月 3日(火) 15時00分〜16時40分 場所 経済学部新棟3階第3教室 講演者 国友 直人 (経済) 演題 Many Instruments, Heteroscedasticity and Asymptotic Optimality of the LIML Estimation 概要 For the estimation of structural coefficients in the simultaneous equations models, Anderson, Kunitomo and Matsushita (2007) have given an asymptotic optimality of the LIML (Limited Information Maximum Likelihood) Estimator when there are many instruments (with many incidental parameters) under the homoscedasticity (or weak heteroscedasticity) assumption. When there are persistent heteroscedasticities with many instruments, a particular modification of the LIML (called MLIML) has often an asymptotic optimality. The result is closely related to the efficiency bound with/or without incidental parameters and it also has some implication for recent microeconometric applications including the testing problem of structural coefficients. A part of my talk will be based on recent works with T.W.Anderson (Stanford University) and Y. Matsushita (University of Tokyo).