
日時      2013年01月22日(火)    14時50分~16時30分
場所      経済学部新棟3階第3教室
講演者    松本 章邦 (工TMI)
演題      Safety and Health of Contract Workers in Japanese Regulated

We present a theoretical explanation for the intuitive proposition that
the occupational safety conditions of contract workers
and directly hired workers in Japan are likely to be different.
Ordinary imperfect-information models are derived from
a review of the regulations of Japanese nuclear power
generation industry.
The models imply that the use of contract workers enables plants
to implement a lower level of occupational safety and health
than that imposed by regulations and to reduce its cost,
due to the difference of employer responsibilities between
the contractor and host plant.
We show that the level of occupational safety and health
differs among plants which are governed by the same regulations,
using data of the radiation dose received by workers
in nuclear power plants.