統計学輪講 第13回

日時 2019年7月16日(火)
14時55分 ~ 16時35分
場所 経済学研究科棟 3階 第3教室
講演者 Hedibert Freitas Lopes (Insper (Brasil))
演題 On some mixture models for time series of counts

We propose several extensions of the integer-valued autoregressive model of McKenzie, Al-Osh and Alzaid. First, we specify a Poisson-Geometric mixture distribution on the process innovations to learn the level of verdispersion of the time series of counts. Second, we consider time-varying innovations which are modeled by means of an infinite mixture through a Dirichlet process. The clustering properties of the Dirichlet process allow us to learn a latent pattern of heterogeneity in the innovation rates. However, since the Dirichlet process typically induces a peaked distribution over the number of clusters, we also apply the Pitman-Yor process on the innovation distribution in order to robustify inference. As a result, the proposed Bayesian models outperform the original model in a time series of crime events in Pittsburgh. This is joint work with Helton Graziadei (Universty of Sao Paulo) and Paulo C. Marques F. (Insper).