北川源四郎, 竹村彰通 編
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応用基礎としてのデータサイエンス, AI×データ活用の実践,
[出版社サイト] [UTokyo BiblioPlaza]
T. Sei (2021).
Regression analysis for imbalanced binary data: Multi-dimensional Case,
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フィナンシャルERM : 金融・保険の統合的リスク管理,
(第9, 11, 13章の訳を担当)
Kashimura, T., Sei, T., Takemura, A. and Tanaka, K. (2012).
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Sukeda, I. and Sei, T. (2025).
On the minimum information checkerboard copula under fixed Kendall’s $\tau$,
Statistical Papers, 66, 29.
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Frank copula is minimum information copula under fixed Kendall’s tau,
Statistics and Probability Letters, 217, 110289.
Sei, T. and Komaki, F. (2024).
A harmonic property of right invariant priors.
Information Geometry, 2024, accepted.
Takazawa, Y. and Sei, T. (2024).
Maximum likelihood estimation of log-concave densities on tree space.
Statistics and Computing, 34, 84.
Chen, Y. and Sei, T. (2024).
A proper scoring rule for minimum information bivariate copulas,
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 201, 105271.
Sei, T. and Yano, K. (2024).
Minimum information dependence modelling,
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Estimation of source parameters using a non-Gaussian probability density function in a Bayesian framework,
Earth, Planets and Space, 75, 33.
Sei, T. (2024).
Conditional inference of Poisson models and information geometry: an ancillary review.
Information Geometry, 7, 131–150.
Sei, T. (2022).
A quantile general index derived from the maximum entropy principle.
Entropy, 24, 1431.
Sei, T. and Komaki, F. (2022).
A correlation-shrinkage prior for Bayesian prediction of the two-dimensional Wishart model,
Biometrika, 109 (4), 1173--1180.
Bando, T., Sei, T. and Yata, K. (2022).
Consistency of the objective general index in high-dimensional setting,
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 189, 104938.
Sei, T. (2022).
Coordinate-wise transformation of probability distributions to achieve a Stein-type identity,
Information Geometry, 5, 325--354.
Ogawa, M., Nakamoto, K. and Sei, T. (2020).
On the fractional moments of a truncated centered multivariate normal distribution,
Communications in Statistics -- Simulation and Computation, 51 (7), 3923--3942.
Härkönen, M., Sei, T. and Hirose, Y. (2020).
Holonomic extended least angle regression,
Information Geometry, 3 (2), 149--181.
Charles, V. and Sei, T. (2019).
A two-stage OGI approach to compute the regional competitiveness index,
Competitiveness Review, 29 (2), 78--95.
Kume, A. and Sei, T. (2018).
On the exact maximum likelihood inference of Fisher-Bingham distributions using an adjusted holonomic gradient method,
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Tanaka, K., Studený, M., Takemura, A., and Sei, T. (2015).
A linear-algebraic tool for conditional independence inference,
Journal of Algebraic Statistics, 6 (2), 150--167.
Sei, T. and Kume, A. (2015).
Calculating the normalising constant of the Bingham distribution on the sphere using the holonomic gradient method,
Statistics and Computing, 25 (2), 321--332.
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Sei, T. (2014).
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Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 149, 116--124.
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Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 42 (14), 2525--2542.
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Sei, T., Shibata, H., Takemura, A., Ohara, K. and Takayama, N. (2013).
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Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 116, 440--455.
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Rueschendorf, L. and Sei, T. (2012).
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Electronic Journal of Probability, 17 (17), 1--20.
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Hara, H., Sei, T. and Takemura, A. (2012).
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Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 103 (1), 19--34.
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Nakayama H., Nishiyama K., Noro M., Ohara K., Sei, T., Takayama, N. and Takemura A. (2011).
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Advances in Applied Mathematics, 47 (3), 639--658.
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Sei, T. and Komaki, F. (2008).
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Preprint, arXiv:2407.17682.
Sukeda, I. and Sei, T. (2024).
Frank copula is minimum information copula under fixed Kendall's $\tau$,
Preprint, arXiv:2406.14814.
Sukeda, I. and Sei, T. (2023).
On the minimum information checkerboard copulas under fixed Kendall's rank correlation,
Preprint, arXiv:2306.01604.
Takazawa, Y and Sei, T. (2022).
Maximum likelihood estimation of log-concave densities on tree space,
Preprint, arXiv:2211.12037.
Sei, T. and Yano, K. (2022).
Minimum information dependence modeling,
Preprint, arXiv:2206.06792.
Chen, Y. and Sei, T. (2022).
A proper scoring rule for minimum information copulas,
Preprint, arXiv:2204.03118.
Yanagi, M. and Sei, T. (2022).
Improving randomization tests under interference based on power analysis,
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Sei, T. and Matsumoto, K. (2019).
Properties of divergence for semiparametric copula models,
Technical Report METR2019-11, Department of Mathematical Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo.
Sei, T. (2018).
Inconsistency of diagonal scaling under high-dimensional limit: a replica approach,
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Sei, T. (2017).
Coordinate-wise transformation of probability distributions to achieve a Stein-type identity,
Technical Report METR2017-04, Department of Mathematical Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo.
Sei, T. (2006).
Parametric modeling based on the gradient maps of convex functions,
Technical Report METR2006-51, Department of Mathematical Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo.
[Published in Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
with title changed to Gradient modeling for multivariate quantitative data.]